Sunday, March 24, 2013

In class/homework: Detropia

Date assigned
Friday, March 22

Watch the film Detropia (link here).  If you were in class on Friday, you saw most of it:

Period 5 – 72:30
Period 6 – 63:00
Period 8 – 67:30

If you weren't in class, you'll need to watch the whole thing.  Then read the article about the emergency financial manager that was just appointed to Detroit by the governor of Michigan (link here).

When you're finished, pick 8 of the following 11 questions, and answer them in at least 2 pages typed, or 3 pages handwritten:

1) What about this film most shocked or surprised you?

2) Why is Detroit dying?  What answer would the filmmakers give?  What answer would the residents of Detroit give that you saw in the film?

3) What is your reaction to the Swiss tourists who come to Detroit to see the "decay," the same as if they were going to see the ruins of the Roman Empire in Italy?

4) What is your reaction to young people moving to Detroit because they can buy a house for $6,000 or a condo for $25,000?  (Keep in mind that a house in Portland averages approximately $275,000 and a house in the Grant neighborhood averages approximately $400,000.)  Is this a positive development, a negative development, both, or neither?  Why?

5) Can Detroit be saved, or is it destined to continue shrinking into oblivion?  What would be required to save it?  What answer would the filmmakers give?  What answer would you give?

6) Is what's happening to Detroit an isolated incident?  Or does it speak more broadly to the state of America today?  Explain your answer.

7) Does the federal government have a responsibility to help a floundering city like Detroit?  Does the state government in Michigan have a responsibility to help Detroit?  Or is this a problem that Detroit should have to solve on its own?

8) Why do the filmmakers show the Detroit Opera so many times?  What role did they intend for the opera to play in the film?

9) Which person depicted in the film was most interesting to you?  Why?

10) According to the article, how did Detroit get into this situation?

11) Is an appointed financial manager the answer?  Are there cases when democracy should be shut down in this country in order to fix a problem?  Explain your answer.

Due date
Wednesday, April 3

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