Monday, March 11, 2013

Economics: Day 3

Monday, March 11

Pages covered
Period 5: 9-13
Period 6: 9-13
Period 8: 9-13

Topics covered

Period 5: Production-possibility frontier, guns vs. butter, necessities vs. luxuries, current-consumption goods vs. investment in capital goods, opportunity costs

Period 6: Resource allocation, inputs, outputs, factors of production (land - natural resources like land, sand, oil, mining, and environmental health; labor - human time spent on production; and capital - investment in the future of the economy in the form of factories, machinery, roads, etc.), production-possibility frontier (weapons production up and car production down in WWII), guns vs. butter, necessities vs. luxuries, current-consumption goods vs. investment in capital goods, opportunity costs

Period 8: Production-possibility frontier, guns vs. butter, necessities vs. luxuries, current-consumption goods vs. investment in capital goods, opportunity costs

Tax dollars at war:

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