Monday, May 6, 2013

In class/homework: Syrian Civil War

Date assigned
Monday, May 6

Read "Syria: To oppose or not to oppose?" (link here).  Answer the following questions (1 page typed, 1.5 pages handwritten):

1) Should the United States intervene in the Syrian Civil War?  If not, why  not?  If yes, should they support the rebels or the Assad government?  How should the US intervene - supplies and money only?  Weapons?  Airstrikes?  Explain your answer.

2) If Israel and Syria go to war over the Israeli airstrikes from May 3 and May 5, should the United States get involved?  Why or why not?  On which side?  To what extent - supplies, money, weapons, airstrikes, troops on the ground?  Explain your answer.

3) The US agrees that Israel should be allowed to attack Syria if Syria is supplying weapons to Hezbollah.  Obviously the US would be upset if Syria conducted airstrikes against US military installations because of US aid to the Syrian rebels.  So why is it okay for the US and its allies to do it, but not okay for other countries?  What makes it acceptable for certain members of the international community to commit acts of aggression, but not acceptable for others?

We have a guest speaker coming on Tuesday, May 7 to my freshman history classes.  Leila Piazza is the Syrian mother of Joey Piazza, and you are welcome to come listen to her speak with my freshmen during periods 2, 3, and 4.

Due date
Wednesday, May 8

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