Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Midterm study guide

What is reapportionment?
What is redistricting?
What is gerrymandering?
What is the difference between packing and cracking?

What is a filibuster?
Which house of Congress uses the filibuster – the House of Representatives or the Senate?
How is the filibuster different now than it was 50 years ago?  
Give a recent example of an issue that caused someone in Congress to threaten a filibuster.

Executive power
Which branch of the government does the Constitution say has the power to declare war?
When was the last time war was officially declared by the United States?  (You can name the conflict or the year.)
What was the effect of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution?
What did the Department of Justice memos under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales authorize during President George W. Bush’s first term?
What is rendition?
Who was Anwar al-Awlaki?  Describe the circumstances surrounding his death.
Who was Abdulrahman al-Awlaki?  Describe the circumstances surrounding his death.
What did the leaked memo from Obama’s administration earlier this month claim as a new power for the executive branch?
Name 5 of the Departments of the executive branch whose secretaries serve on the president’s cabinet.
Describe 5 issues President Obama brought up in his State of the Union address, as well as his proposed solutions to those issues.
Why did the federal and state governments originally begin employing private companies to run their prisons?
Private prison companies need more inmates to make more money.  Describe two ways that private prison companies attempt to increase the number of inmates in their prisons.
What is one way Chalmers Johnson argues that the US can cut the Department of Defense budget?

Friday, February 22, 2013

In class/homework: Understanding American Security

Date assigned
Friday, February 22

Read the Heritage Foundation article "Understanding American Security" (link here).  Write a response comparing and contrasting the views of the Heritage Foundation (expanding American military spending) with Chalmers Johnson's views (closing military bases around the world - link here).

5th period - 2 pages
6th period - 1 page
8th period - 1 page

Due date
Monday, February 25

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

In class/homework: Dismantling the Empire

Date assigned
Wednesday, February 20

Read Chalmers Johnson's essay "Dismantling the Empire" (link here).

Type a 1-page response (1.5 pages if it's handwritten) about whether you agree with Johnson's thesis or not.  Should we close down our military bases abroad and pull our military back to the United States, only to respond to direct attacks against American soil?  Or should we continue to project American power abroad?

Due date
Friday, February 22 (when we'll be looking at the opposite view about American military power)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Homework: Rubio's rebuttal

Date assigned
Wednesday, February 13

Watch Senator Marco Rubio's rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union speech (link here).

While watching, record at least 5 specific differences between Obama's speech and Rubio's rebuttal.  Summarize the differences, and record the different solutions that Rubio suggests (if he suggests any).

Due date
Friday, February 15

In class: State of the Union

Date assigned
Wednesday, February 13

Watch President Obama's State of the Union speech (link here). 

While watching, record at least 10 issues President Obama brings up, as well as his position and suggested solutions.


Issue - Gun violence

Position - Obama wants more gun control laws, particularly involving banning high-capacity magazines (no more than 10 bullets) and enforcing background checks for all gun sales to prevent people with criminal records from purchasing guns.

Suggested solutions - Obama wants Congress to pass laws that 1) ban high-capacity magazines; 2) require background checks for all gun sales; and 3) punish people who sell guns to criminals.  Obama is willing to take executive action if Congress doesn't act.

Due date
Wednesday, February 13, end of class

Monday, February 11, 2013

In class: The drone debate

The drone debate slide presentation from Monday, February 11 is located here.

Krystal Ball defending due process violations by Obama over Bush -

Should a drone strike be used on Christopher Dorner -


1) Is Krystal Ball's position defensible or is it hypocritical to trust one president with a power that you wouldn't trust to another president?  Defend your position.

2) If the president is claiming the power to use drone strikes to eliminate American terrorist suspects in Yemen, should he also have the power to eliminate someone like Christopher Dorner, who could easily be considered a domestic terrorist?  Why or why not?

Friday, February 8, 2013

In class: Drone strikes and Guantanamo Bay

Brennan dodging Senate confirmation questions about whether waterboarding constitutes torture -

Map of drone bases and targeted groups in Africa -

Tracking the # of drone strikes since 2004 -

Deaths from drone strikes in Pakistan -

Map of drone strikes in Yemen -

Cluster bomb strike in Yemen -

US newspapers withholding info about drone base in Saudi Arabia -

Lincoln's 1863 executive order about assassination -

Reagan's 1981 executive order about assassination -

Obama's Dec. 2007 answers about presidential power and due process -