Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Homework: Legislative powers

Date assigned
Wednesday, November 28

Read the following portions of the Constitution in your textbook (pages 233-238):

- Article I, Sections 1-3 and 7-10
- Article IV, Section 3
- Article V

Then answer the following questions:

1) How long is a term in the House of Representatives?
2) What are the qualifications necessary to run for the House of Representatives?
3) How long is a term in the Senate?
4) What are the qualifications necessary to run for the Senate?
5) There are 100 senators - who represents the tie-breaking vote if there's a 50-50 split?
6) Which house tries impeachments?  What happens if an impeachment is successful?
7) When the House of Representatives and the Senate both pass a bill, it then goes to the President.  The president has four options when deciding whether or not that bill should become a law.  Describe three of those options.
8) How can the House and Senate override a presidential veto?
9) Of all the powers listed in Article I, Section 8, describe 15 of them.
10) What does Article I, Section 9.1 mean?
11) What is the Writ of Habeus Corpus?  When may it be suspended?
12) What is an ex post facto law?
13) What actions are reserved for Congress that individual states are prohibited from doing, according to Article I, Section 10?
14) What is the process by which a new state can apply to join the United States?
15) How can Congress amend the Constitution?

Know this - if you just copy and paste your answers, you will receive zero credit.  Answers MUST be in your own words.

Due date
Monday, December 3

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In class: Election free write

Date assigned
Wednesday, November 7

Free write for 5 minutes on the following topics:

- What surprised you about the election last night?
- What questions do you have about the election?
- What does last night's election mean for the US as a nation going forward?
- How will political parties in the US change their strategy in the future based on last night's results?

Due date
Wednesday, November 7, end of class

In class: Ballot

Date assigned
Monday, November 5

5th and 6th period - Fill out a ballot, voting only for president, Measure 79, Measure 80, and Measure 82.

8th period - Fill out a ballot, voting only for president, Measure 79, Measure 80, and Measure 85.

Due date
Monday, November 5, end of class

In class: Initiative process in Oregon

Date assigned
Monday, November 5

5th and 6th period - research Oregon ballot measures 79, 80, and 82.  Come up with a list of potential pros and cons for each ballot measure.

8th period - research Oregon ballot measures 79, 80, and 85.  Come up with a list of potential pros and cons for each ballot measure.

Due date
Monday, November 5, end of class